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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Colorless (0.01640 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Colorless.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: colorless polos
English → English (WordNet) Definition: colorless colorless adj 1: lacking in variety and interest; “a colorless and unimaginative person”; “a colorless description of the parade” [syn: colourless] [ant: colorful] 2: weak in color; not colorful [syn: colourless] [ant: colorful]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Colorless Colorless \Col"or*less\, a. 1. Without color; not distinguished by any hue; transparent; as, colorless water; a colorless gas. Note: [Narrower terms: ashen, bloodless, livid, lurid, pale, pallid, pasty, wan, waxen ; neutral; white] [Also See: achromatic, colorless.] [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] 2. Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; a colorless style; definitions should be colorless. [1913 Webster] 3. having lost its normal color. Note: [Narrower terms: blanched, etiolate, etiolated, whitened ; bleached, faded, washed-out, washy; dimmed, dulled, grayed; dirty; dull, sober, somber, subfusc ] colored Syn: colorless, uncolored, uncoloured. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]


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