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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: superstitious magic (0.01192 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to superstitious magic.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Superstitious magic Magic \Mag"ic\, n. [OE. magique, L. magice, Gr. ? (sc. ?), fr. ?. See Magic, a., and Magi.] 1. A comprehensive name for all of the pretended arts which claim to produce effects by the assistance of supernatural beings, or departed spirits, or by a mastery of secret forces in nature attained by a study of occult science, including enchantment, conjuration, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, incantation, etc. [1913 Webster] An appearance made by some magic. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. The art of creating illusions which appear to the observer to be inexplicable except by some supernatural influence; it includes simple sleight of hand (legerdemain) as well as more elaborate stage magic, using special devices constructed to produce mystifying effects; as, the magic of David Copperfield. It is practised as an entertainment, by magicians who do not pretend to have supernatural powers. [PJC] Celestial magic, a supposed supernatural power which gave to spirits a kind of dominion over the planets, and to the planets an influence over men. Natural magic, the art of employing the powers of nature to produce effects apparently supernatural. Superstitious magic, or Geotic magic, the invocation of devils or demons, involving the supposition of some tacit or express agreement between them and human beings. [1913 Webster] Syn: Sorcery; witchcraft; necromancy; conjuration; enchantment. [1913 Webster]


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