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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: squeeze out (0.00785 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to squeeze out.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: squeeze out
squeeze out
v 1: force out;
“Some employees were squeezed out by the recent
budget cuts”
2: make by laborious and precarious means;
“He eked out a
living as a painter” [syn:
eke out]
3: extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing;
“wring out the
washcloth” [syn:
wring out]
4: obtain with difficulty;
“He eked out some information from
the archives” [syn:
eke out]
5: form or shape by forcing through an opening;
“extrude steel”
6: cause to come out in a squirt;
“the boy squirted water at
his little sister” [syn:
force out,