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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: snottier (0.00947 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to snottier.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: snottier snotty adj 1: used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant; “a snotty little scion of a degenerate family”-Laurent Le Sage; “they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety” [syn: bigheaded, persnickety, snooty, snot-nosed, stuck-up, too big for one's breeches , uppish] 2: dirty with nasal discharge; “a snotty nose”; “a house full of snot-nosed kids” [syn: snot-nosed] [also: snottiest, snottier] snottier See snotty


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