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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: poppet (0.01029 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to poppet.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: poppet poppet n : a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicular from its seat; commonly used in internal-combustion engines [syn: poppet valve]
English → English (gcide) Definition: poppet Poppit \Pop"pit\, n. a small plastic bead with opposed holes and protuberant knobs, so shaped that the beads may be fastened to each other in chains and detached easily, and can be used to form variable-length chains for use as necklaces, bracelets, or other ornamental objects. Also called poppet and poppit bead . [PJC] Puppet \Pup"pet\, n. [OE. popet, OF. poupette; akin to F. poup['e]e a doll, probably from L. puppa, pupa, a girl, doll, puppet. Cf. Poupeton, Pupa, Pupil, Puppy.] [Written also poppet.] 1. A small image in the human form; a doll. [1913 Webster] 2. A similar figure moved by the hand or by a wire in a mock drama; a marionette; a wooden actor in a play. [1913 Webster] At the pipes of some carved organ move, The gilded puppets dance. --Pope. [1913 Webster] 3. One controlled in his action by the will of another; a tool; -- so used in contempt. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 4. (Mach.) The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe. [1913 Webster] Puppet master. Same as Puppetman. Puppet play, a puppet show. Puppet player, one who manages the motions of puppets. Puppet show, a mock drama performed by puppets moved by wires. Puppet valve, a valve in the form of a circular disk, which covers a hole in its seat, and opens by moving bodily away from the seat while remaining parallel with it, -- used in steam engines, pumps, safety valves, etc. Its edge is often beveled, and fits in a conical recess in the seat when the valve is closed. See the valves shown in Illusts. of Plunger pump, and Safety valve, under Plunger, and Safety. [1913 Webster]


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