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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: odium (0.00875 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to odium.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: odium odium n 1: state of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior 2: hate coupled with disgust [syn: abhorrence, abomination, detestation, execration, loathing]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Odium Odium \O"di*um\ ([=o]"d[i^]*[u^]m), n. [L., fr. odi I hate. Cf. Annoy, Noisome.] 1. Intense hatred or dislike; loathing; abhorrence. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. The quality that provokes hatred; offensiveness. [1913 Webster] She threw the odium of the fact on me. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. The state of being intensely hated as the result of some despicable action; opprobrium; disrepute; discredit; reproach mingled with contempt; as, his conduct brought him into odium, or, brought odium upon him. [1913 Webster +PJC] Odium theologicum[L.], the enmity peculiar to contending theologians. [1913 Webster] Syn: Hatred; abhorrence; detestation; antipathy. Usage: Odium, Hatred. We exercise hatred; we endure odium. The former has an active sense, the latter a passive one. We speak of having a hatred for a man, but not of having an odium toward him. A tyrant incurs odium. The odium of an offense may sometimes fall unjustly upon one who is innocent. [1913 Webster] I wish I had a cause to seek him there, To oppose his hatred fully. --Shak. [1913 Webster] You have . . . dexterously thrown some of the odium of your polity upon that middle class which you despise. --Beaconsfield. [1913 Webster]


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