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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: muriatic acid (0.00777 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to muriatic acid.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: muriatic acid
muriatic acid
n : a former name for hydrochloric acid
English → English (gcide)
Definition: muriatic acid
\Hy`dro*chlo"ric\, a. [Hydro-, 2 + chloric: cf. F.
hydrochlorique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or compounded of, chlorine and hydrogen gas;
as, hydrochloric acid; chlorhydric.
[1913 Webster]
Hydrochloric acid (Chem.), hydrogen chloride; a colorless,
corrosive gas,
HCl, of pungent, suffocating odor. It is
made in great quantities in the soda process, by the
action of sulphuric acid on common salt. It has a great
affinity for water, and the commercial article is a strong
solution of the gas in water. It is a typical acid, and is
an indispensable agent in commercial and general chemical
work. Called also
muriatic acid and
chlorhydric acid.
[1913 Webster]