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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: jetting (0.00840 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to jetting.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: jet memancar, menyembur
English → English (WordNet) Definition: jetting jetting See jet jet n 1: an airplane powered by one or more jet engines [syn: jet plane , jet-propelled plane] 2: the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid) [syn: squirt, spurt, spirt] 3: a hard black form of lignite that takes a brilliant polish and is used in jewellery or ornamentation 4: street names for ketamine [syn: K, super acid, special K , honey oil, green, cat valium, super C] 5: an artificially produced flow of water [syn: fountain] [also: jetting, jetted] jet adj : of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal [syn: coal-black, jet-black, pitchy, sooty] [also: jetting, jetted] jet v 1: issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; “Water jetted forth”; “flames were jetting out of the building” [syn: gush] 2: fly a jet plane [also: jetting, jetted] jetting adj : propelled violently in a usually narrow stream [syn: spouting, spurting, squirting]
English → English (gcide) Definition: jetting jetting \jetting\ adj. being propelled violently in a usually narrow stream; -- of liquids. Syn: spouting, spurting, squirting. [WordNet 1.5]


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