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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ghana (0.01002 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to ghana.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Ghana Ghana n : a republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; “Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British” [syn: Republic of Ghana , Gold Coast]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ghana Ghana \Gha"na\ (g[aum]"n[.a]) prop. n. A country in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Cote d'Ivoire and Togo, with Burkina Faso bordering on the north, with a population of 17,698,271 (July 1996 est), and a total area of 238,540 sq km. The government is a constitutional democracy, and the capital city is Accra. [PJC] Note: It has a tropical climate, being warm and comparatively dry along the southeast coast, hot and humid in southwest and hot and dry in the north. Its terrain is mostly low plains with a dissected plateau in the south-central area. The official language is English, and several African languages are spoken, including Akan, Moshi-Dagomba, Ewe, and Ga. The population is comprised 99.8% of black Africans and 0.2% European and other nationalities. The major tribes are: Akan 44%, Moshi-Dagomba 16%, Ewe 13%, and Ga 8%. The religious composition is 38% indigenous beliefs, 30% Muslim, 24% Christian and 8% others. The unit of currency is the new cedi; 1 new cedi (C) = 100 pesewas. The exchange rates for the cedi were: new cedis per US$1 - 1,246.11 (September 1995), 956.71 (1994), 649.06 (1993), 437.09 (1992), 367.83 (1991). Navigable waterways include the Volta, Ankobra, and Tano Rivers, providing 168 km of perennial navigation for launches and lighters. --CIA Factbook 1996 [PJC]


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