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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: features (0.00917 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to features.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: features fitur
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: feature cap, ciri, corak, kenampakan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: feature feature n 1: a prominent aspect of something; “the map showed roads and other features”; “generosity is one of his best characteristics” [syn: characteristic] 2: the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin; “an expression of pleasure crossed his features”; “his lineaments were very regular” [syn: lineament] 3: the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater; "the feature tonight is `Casablanca'" [syn: feature film ] 4: a special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine; “they ran a feature on retirement planning” [syn: feature article ] 5: an article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles v 1: have as a feature; “This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France” [syn: have] [ant: miss] 2: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; “she was sporting a new hat” [syn: sport, boast]


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