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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: unearthly (0.00823 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to unearthly.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: unearth gali
English → English (WordNet) Definition: unearthly unearthly adj 1: concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul; “a spiritual approach to life”; “spiritual fulfillment”; “spiritual values”; “unearthly love” [syn: spiritual] 2: suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; “an eldritch screech”; “the three weird sisters”; “stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures”- John Galsworthy; “an unearthly light”; “he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din”- Henry Kingsley [syn: eldritch, weird, uncanny]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Unearthly Unearthly \Un*earth"ly\, a. Not terrestrial; supernatural; preternatural; hence, weird; appalling; terrific; as, an unearthly sight or sound. -- Un*earth"li*ness, n. [1913 Webster]


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