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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: club (0.00930 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to club.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: club alat pemukul, belantan, cengkeh, gada, mementung, menggada, penggodam, pentung, pentungan, perkumpulan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: club club n 1: a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together; “each club played six home games with teams in its own division” [syn: baseball club, ball club, nine] 2: a formal association of people with similar interests; “he joined a golf club”; “they formed a small lunch society”; “men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today” [syn: society, guild, gild, lodge, order] 3: stout stick that is larger at one end; “he carried a club in self defense”; “he felt as if he had been hit with a club” 4: a building occupied by a club; “the clubhouse needed a new roof” [syn: clubhouse] 5: golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball [syn: golf club , golf-club] 6: a playing card in the minor suit of clubs (having one or more black trefoils on it); “he led a small club”; “clubs were trumps” 7: a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink; “don't expect a good meal at a cabaret”; “the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night”; “he played the drums at a jazz club” [syn: cabaret, nightclub, nightspot] [also: clubbing, clubbed] club v 1: unite with a common purpose; “The two men clubbed together” 2: gather and spend time together; “They always club together” 3: strike with a club or a bludgeon [syn: bludgeon] [also: clubbing, clubbed]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Club Club \Club\ (kl[u^]b), n. [Cf. Icel. klubba, klumba, club, klumbuf[=o]ir a clubfoot, SW. klubba club, Dan. klump lump, klub a club, G. klumpen clump, kolben club, and E. clump.] 1. A heavy staff of wood, usually tapering, and wielded with the hand; a weapon; a cudgel. [1913 Webster] But make you ready your stiff bats and clubs; Rome and her rats are at the point of battle. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. [Cf. the Spanish name bastos, and Sp. baston staff, club.] Any card of the suit of cards having a figure like the trefoil or clover leaf. (pl.) The suit of cards having such figure. [1913 Webster] 3. An association of persons for the promotion of some common object, as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, etc.; esp. an association supported by equal assessments or contributions of the members. [1913 Webster] They talked At wine, in clubs, of art, of politics. --Tennyson. [1913 Webster] He [Goldsmith] was one of the nine original members of that celebrated fraternity which has sometimes been called the Literary Club, but which has always disclaimed that epithet, and still glories in the simple name of the Club. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 4. A joint charge of expense, or any person's share of it; a contribution to a common fund. [1913 Webster] They laid down the club. --L'Estrange. [1913 Webster] We dined at a French house, but paid ten shillings for our part of the club. --Pepys. [1913 Webster] Club law, government by violence; lynch law; anarchy. --Addison. [1913 Webster] Club root (Bot.), a disease of cabbages, by which the roots become distorted and the heads spoiled. Club topsail (Naut.), a kind of gaff topsail, used mostly by yachts having a fore-and-aft rig. It has a short “club” or “jack yard” to increase its spread. [1913 Webster] Club \Club\, v. i. 1. To form a club; to combine for the promotion of some common object; to unite. [1913 Webster] Till grosser atoms, tumbling in the stream Of fancy, madly met, and clubbed into a dream. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To pay on equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense; to pay for something by contribution. [1913 Webster] The owl, the raven, and the bat, Clubbed for a feather to his hat. --Swift. [1913 Webster] 3. (Naut.) To drift in a current with an anchor out. [1913 Webster] Club \Club\ (kl[u^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Clubbed (kl[u^]bd); p. pr. & vb. n. Clubbing.] 1. To beat with a club. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) To throw, or allow to fall, into confusion. [1913 Webster] To club a battalion implies a temporary inability in the commanding officer to restore any given body of men to their natural front in line or column. --Farrow. [1913 Webster] 3. To unite, or contribute, for the accomplishment of a common end; as, to club exertions. [1913 Webster] 4. To raise, or defray, by a proportional assesment; as, to club the expense. [1913 Webster] To club a musket (Mil.), to turn the breach uppermost, so as to use it as a club. [1913 Webster]


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