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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: cattle guard (0.03594 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to cattle guard.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: cattle guard cattle guard n : a bridge over a ditch consisting of parallel metal bars that allow pedestrians and vehicles to pass, but not cattle [syn: cattle grid]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Cattle guard Cattle \Cat"tle\ (k[a^]t"t'l), n. pl. [OE. calet, chatel, goods, property, OF. catel, chatel, LL. captale, capitale, goods, property, esp. cattle, fr. L. capitals relating to the head, chief; because in early ages beasts constituted the chief part of a man's property. See Capital, and cf. Chattel.] Quadrupeds of the Bovine family; sometimes, also, including all domestic quadrupeds, as sheep, goats, horses, mules, asses, and swine. [1913 Webster] Belted cattle, Black cattle. See under Belted, Black. Cattle guard, a trench under a railroad track and alongside a crossing (as of a public highway). It is intended to prevent cattle from getting upon the track. cattle louse (Zo["o]l.), any species of louse infecting cattle. There are several species. The H[ae]matatopinus eurysternus and H[ae]matatopinus vituli are common species which suck blood; Trichodectes scalaris eats the hair. Cattle plague, the rinderpest; called also Russian cattle plague . Cattle range, or Cattle run, an open space through which cattle may run or range. [U. S.] --Bartlett. Cattle show, an exhibition of domestic animals with prizes for the encouragement of stock breeding; -- usually accompanied with the exhibition of other agricultural and domestic products and of implements. [1913 Webster]


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