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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: artificial magnet (0.01263 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to artificial magnet.
English → English (gcide) Definition: artificial magnet Magnet \Mag"net\ (m[a^]g"n[e^]t), n. [OE. magnete, OF. magnete, L. magnes, -etis, Gr. Magnh^tis li`qos a magnet, metal that looked like silver, prop., Magnesian stone, fr. Gr. Magnhsi`a, a country in Thessaly. Cf. Magnesia, Manganese.] 1. The loadstone; a species of iron ore (the ferrosoferric or magnetic ore, Fe3O4) which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores, and, when freely suspended, of pointing to the poles; -- called also natural magnet. [1913 Webster] Dinocrates began to make the arched roof of the temple of Arsino["e] all of magnet, or this loadstone. --Holland. [1913 Webster] Two magnets, heaven and earth, allure to bliss, The larger loadstone that, the nearer this. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. (Physics) A bar or mass of steel or iron to which the peculiar properties of the loadstone have been imparted; -- called, in distinction from the loadstone, an artificial magnet. [1913 Webster] Note: An artificial magnet, produced by the action of an electrical current, is called an electro-magnet. [1913 Webster] Field magnet (Physics & Elec.), a magnet used for producing and maintaining a magnetic field; -- used especially of the stationary or exciting magnet of a dynamo or electromotor in distinction from that of the moving portion or armature. [1913 Webster]


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