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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: lee (0.01075 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to lee.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: lee tempat teduh
English → English (WordNet) Definition: lee lee adj : towards the side away from the wind [syn: downwind, lee(a)]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lee Lee \Lee\ (l[=e]), v. i., To lie; to speak falsely. [Obs.] --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Lee \Lee\, n.; pl. Lees (l[=e]z). [F. lie, perh. fr. L. levare to lift up, raise. Cf. Lever.] That which settles at the bottom, as of a cask of liquor (esp. wine); sediment; dregs; -- used now only in the plural. [Lees occurs also as a form of the singular.] “The lees of wine.” --Holland. [1913 Webster] A thousand demons lurk within the lee. --Young. [1913 Webster] The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Lee \Lee\, n. [OE. lee shelter, Icel. hl[=e], akin to AS. hle['o], hle['o]w, shelter, protection, OS. hl[`e]o, D. lij lee, Sw. l["a], Dan. l[ae].] 1. A sheltered place; esp., a place protected from the wind by some object; the side sheltered from the wind; shelter; protection; as, the lee of a mountain, an island, or a ship. [1913 Webster] We lurked under lee. --Morte d'Arthure. [1913 Webster] Desiring me to take shelter in his lee. --Tyndall. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) That part of the hemisphere, as one stands on shipboard, toward which the wind blows. See Lee, a. [1913 Webster] By the lee, To bring by the lee. See under By, and Bring. Under the lee of, on that side which is sheltered from the wind; as, to be under the lee of a ship. [1913 Webster] Lee \Lee\, a. (Naut.) Of or pertaining to the part or side opposite to that against which the wind blows; -- opposed to weather; as, the lee side or lee rail of a vessel. [1913 Webster] Lee gauge. See Gauge, n. (Naut.) Lee shore, the shore on the lee side of a vessel. Lee tide, a tide running in the same direction that the wind blows. On the lee beam, directly to the leeward; in a line at right angles to the length of the vessel and to the leeward. [1913 Webster]


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