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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Tackle fall (0.01293 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Tackle fall.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Tackle fall Tackle \Tac"kle\ (?; sometimes improperly pronounced ?, especially by seamen), n. [OE. takel, akin to LG. & D. takel, Dan. takkel, Sw. tackel; perhaps akin to E. taw, v. t., or to take.] 1. Apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; sometimes, the rope and attachments, as distinct from the block, in which case the full appratus is referred to as a block and tackle . [1913 Webster] 2. Any instruments of action; an apparatus by which an object is moved or operated; gear; as, fishing tackle, hunting tackle; formerly, specifically, weapons. “She to her tackle fell.” --Hudibras. [1913 Webster] Note: In Chaucer, it denotes usually an arrow or arrows. [1913 Webster] 3. (Naut.) The rigging and apparatus of a ship; also, any purchase where more than one block is used. [1913 Webster] Fall and tackle. See the Note under Pulley. Fishing tackle. See under Fishing, a. Ground tackle (Naut.), anchors, cables, etc. Gun tackle, the apparatus or appliances for hauling cannon in or out. Tackle fall, the rope, or rather the end of the rope, of a tackle, to which the power is applied. Tack tackle (Naut.), a small tackle to pull down the tacks of the principal sails. Tackle board, Tackle post (Ropemaking), a board, frame, or post, at the end of a ropewalk, for supporting the spindels, or whirls, for twisting the yarns. [1913 Webster]


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