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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Pistacia Lentiscus (0.02370 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Pistacia Lentiscus.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Pistacia Lentiscus Pistacia \Pis*ta"ci*a\, n. [NL. See Pistachio.] (Bot.) The name of a genus of trees, including the tree which bears the pistachio (Pistacia vera), the Mediterranean mastic tree (Pistacia Lentiscus), and the species (Pistacia Terebinthus ) which yields Chian or Cyprus turpentine. [1913 Webster] Mastic \Mas"tic\, n. [F., fr. L. mastiche, mastichum, Gr. ?, fr. ? to chew, because of its being used in the East for chewing.] [Written also mastich.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A low shrubby tree of the genus Pistacia (Pistacia Lentiscus), growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, and producing a valuable resin; -- called also, mastic tree. [1913 Webster] 2. A resin exuding from the mastic tree, and obtained by incision. The best is in yellowish white, semitransparent tears, of a faint smell, and is used as an astringent and an aromatic, also as an ingredient in varnishes. [1913 Webster] 3. A kind of cement composed of burnt clay, litharge, and linseed oil, used for plastering walls, etc. [1913 Webster] Barbary mastic (Bot.), the Pistachia Atlantica. Peruvian mastic tree (Bot.), a small tree (Schinus Molle) with peppery red berries; -- called also pepper tree. West Indian mastic (Bot.), a lofty tree (Bursera gummifera ) full of gum resin in every part. [1913 Webster]


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