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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Fulmar petrel (0.00903 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Fulmar petrel.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: fulmar petrel fulmar petrel n : heavy short-tailed oceanic bird of polar regions [syn: fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Fulmar petrel Petrel \Pe"trel\, n. [F. p['e]trel; a dim. of the name Peter, L. Petrus, Gr. ? a stone (--John i. 42); -- probably so called in allusion to St. Peter's walking on the sea. See Petrify.] (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of longwinged sea birds belonging to the family Procellarid[ae]. The small petrels, or Mother Carey's chickens, belong to {Oceanites}, {Oceanodroma'>Oceanites'>{Oceanites}, {Oceanodroma , {Procellaria}, and several allied genera. [1913 Webster] Diving petrel, any bird of the genus Pelecanoides. They chiefly inhabit the southern hemisphere. Fulmar petrel, Giant petrel. See Fulmar. Pintado petrel, the Cape pigeon. See under Cape. Pintado petrel, any one of several small petrels, especially Procellaria pelagica, or Mother Carey's chicken, common on both sides of the Atlantic. [1913 Webster]


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