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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: C4H4O (0.00721 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to C4H4O.
English → English (gcide) Definition: C4H4O Furfuran \Fur"fu*ran\, n. [L. furfur bran.] (Chem.) A colorless, oily substance, C4H4O, obtained by distilling certain organic substances, as pine wood, salts of pyromucic acid, etc.; -- called also tetraphenol. [1913 Webster] Glycolide \Gly"co*lide\, n. [Glycol + anhydride.] (Chem.) A white amorphous powder, C4H4O, obtained by heating and dehydrating glycolic acid. [Written also glycollide.] [1913 Webster]


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