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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: unwritten laws (0.00986 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to unwritten laws.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: unwritten law unwritten law n : law based on customary behavior
English → English (gcide) Definition: Unwritten laws Unwritten \Un*writ"ten\, a. 1. Not written; not reduced to writing; oral; as, unwritten agreements. [1913 Webster] 2. Containing no writing; blank; as, unwritten paper. [1913 Webster] Unwritten doctrines (Theol.), such doctrines as have been handed down by word of mouth; oral or traditional doctrines. Unwritten law. [Cf. L. lex non scripta.] That part of the law of England and of the United States which is not derived from express legislative enactment, or at least from any enactment now extant and in force as such. This law is now generally contained in the reports of judicial decisions. See Common law, under Common. Unwritten laws, such laws as have been handed down by tradition or in song. Such were the laws of the early nations of Europe. [1913 Webster]
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