Online Dictionary
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: syndicate (0.00845 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to syndicate.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: syndicate kongsi, mempersatukan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: syndicate syndicate n 1: a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities [syn: crime syndicate, mob, family] 2: an association of companies for some definite purpose [syn: consortium, pool] 3: a news agency that sells features or articles or photographs etc. to newspapers for simultaneous publication v 1: join together into a syndicate; “The banks syndicated” 2: organize into or form a syndicate 3: sell articles, television programs, or photos to several publications or independent broadcasting stations
English → English (gcide) Definition: syndicate organized crime \organized crime\ n. Groups of persons organized for illegal purposes, such as bootlegging, conducting illegal gambling, loansharking, extortion, etc.; -- a general term encompassing most forms of criminal groups, but especially those that are consolidated into “families” more or less recognizing each other's different regions of operation; sometimes considered synonymous with the mafia or the syndicate. [PJC]
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