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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: self-contained (0.01800 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to self-contained.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: self-contained self-contained adj 1: constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself; “the university is like a self-contained city with shops and all amenities” 2: in full control of your faculties; “the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination”; “perfectly poised and sure of himself”; “more self-contained and more dependable than many of the early frontiersmen”; “strong and self-possessed in the face of trouble” [syn: collected, equanimous, poised, self-collected, self-possessed]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Self-contained Self-contained \Self`-con*tained"\, a. 1. Having self-control; reserved; uncommunicative; wholly engrossed in one's self. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) Having all the essential working parts connected by a bedplate or framework, or contained in a case, etc., so that mutual relations of the parts do not depend upon fastening outside of the machine itself. [1913 Webster] Self-contained steam engine. (a) A steam engine having both bearings for the crank shaft attached to the frame of the engine. (b) A steam engine and boiler combined and fastened together; a portable steam engine. [1913 Webster]
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