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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: roiled (0.02277 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to roiled.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: roiled roiled adj 1: aroused to impatience or anger; “made an irritated gesture”; “feeling nettled from the constant teasing”; “peeved about being left out”; “felt really pissed at her snootiness”; “riled no end by his lies”; “roiled by the delay” [syn: annoyed, irritated, miffed, nettled, peeved, pissed, pissed off, riled, steamed, stunng] 2: (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence; “the river's roiling current”; “turbulent rapids” [syn: churning, roiling, roily, turbulent]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Roiled Roil \Roil\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Roiling.] [Cf. OE. roilen to wander; possibly fr. OF. roeler to roll, equiv. to F. rouler. See Roll, v., and cf. Rile.] 1. To render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of; as, to roil wine, cider, etc., in casks or bottles; to roil a spring. [1913 Webster] 2. To disturb, as the temper; to ruffle the temper of; to rouse the passion of resentment in; to perplex. [1913 Webster] That his friends should believe it, was what roiled him [Judge Jeffreys] exceedingly. --R. North. [1913 Webster] Note: Provincial in England and colloquial in the United States. A commoner, but less approved, form is rile. [1913 Webster]
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