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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: profit (0.00896 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to profit.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: profit faedah, kemaslahatan, melabakan, pamrih, untung
English → English (WordNet) Definition: profit profit v 1: derive a benefit from; “She profited from his vast experience” [syn: gain, benefit] 2: make a profit; gain money or materially; “The company has not profited from the merger” [syn: turn a profit] [ant: lose, break even] profit n 1: the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) [syn: net income, net, net profit, lucre, profits, earnings] 2: the advantageous quality of being beneficial [syn: gain]
English → English (gcide) Definition: profit Turn \Turn\, v. i. 1. To move round; to have a circular motion; to revolve entirely, repeatedly, or partially; to change position, so as to face differently; to whirl or wheel round; as, a wheel turns on its axis; a spindle turns on a pivot; a man turns on his heel. [1913 Webster] The gate . . . on golden hinges turning. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, to revolve as if upon a point of support; to hinge; to depend; as, the decision turns on a single fact. [1913 Webster] Conditions of peace certainly turn upon events of war. --Swift. [1913 Webster] 3. To result or terminate; to come about; to eventuate; to issue. [1913 Webster] If we repent seriously, submit contentedly, and serve him faithfully, afflictions shall turn to our advantage. --Wake. [1913 Webster] 4. To be deflected; to take a different direction or tendency; to be directed otherwise; to be differently applied; to be transferred; as, to turn from the road. [1913 Webster] Turn from thy fierce wrath. --Ex. xxxii. 12. [1913 Webster] Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways. --Ezek. xxxiii. 11. [1913 Webster] The understanding turns inward on itself, and reflects on its own operations. --Locke. [1913 Webster] 5. To be changed, altered, or transformed; to become transmuted; also, to become by a change or changes; to grow; as, wood turns to stone; water turns to ice; one color turns to another; to turn Mohammedan. [1913 Webster] I hope you have no intent to turn husband. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Cygnets from gray turn white. --Bacon. [1913 Webster] 6. To undergo the process of turning on a lathe; as, ivory turns well. [1913 Webster] 7. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) To become acid; to sour; -- said of milk, ale, etc. [1913 Webster] (b) To become giddy; -- said of the head or brain. [1913 Webster] I'll look no more; Lest my brain turn. --Shak. [1913 Webster] (c) To be nauseated; -- said of the stomach. [1913 Webster] (d) To become inclined in the other direction; -- said of scales. [1913 Webster] (e) To change from ebb to flow, or from flow to ebb; -- said of the tide. [1913 Webster] (f) (Obstetrics) To bring down the feet of a child in the womb, in order to facilitate delivery. [1913 Webster] 8. (Print.) To invert a type of the same thickness, as temporary substitute for any sort which is exhausted. [1913 Webster] To turn about, to face to another quarter; to turn around. To turn again, to come back after going; to return. --Shak. To turn against, to become unfriendly or hostile to. To turn aside or To turn away. (a) To turn from the direct course; to withdraw from a company; to deviate. (b) To depart; to remove. (c) To avert one's face. To turn back, to turn so as to go in an opposite direction; to retrace one's steps. To turn in. (a) To bend inward. (b) To enter for lodgings or entertainment. (c) To go to bed. [Colloq.] To turn into, to enter by making a turn; as, to turn into a side street. To turn off, to be diverted; to deviate from a course; as, the road turns off to the left. To turn on or To turn upon. (a) To turn against; to confront in hostility or anger. (b) To reply to or retort. (c) To depend on; as, the result turns on one condition. To turn out. (a) To move from its place, as a bone. (b) To bend or point outward; as, his toes turn out. (c) To rise from bed. [Colloq.] (d) To come abroad; to appear; as, not many turned out to the fire. (e) To prove in the result; to issue; to result; as, the crops turned out poorly. To turn over, to turn from side to side; to roll; to tumble. To turn round. (a) To change position so as to face in another direction. (b) To change one's opinion; to change from one view or party to another. To turn to, to apply one's self to; have recourse to; to refer to. “Helvicus's tables may be turned to on all occasions.” --Locke. To turn to account, profit, advantage, or the like, to be made profitable or advantageous; to become worth the while. To turn under, to bend, or be folded, downward or under. To turn up. (a) To bend, or be doubled, upward. (b) To appear; to come to light; to transpire; to occur; to happen. [1913 Webster]
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