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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: pays (0.00880 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to pays.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak)
Definition: pay membayar
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: pay bayar, gaji, melunasi, membayar, upah
English → English (WordNet) Definition: pay pay n : something that remunerates; “wages were paid by check”; “he wasted his pay on drink”; “they saved a quarter of all their earnings” [syn: wage, earnings, remuneration, salary] [also: paid] pay v 1: give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; “I paid four dollars for this sandwich”; “Pay the waitress, please” 2: convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; “Don't pay him any mind”; “give the orders”; “Give him my best regards”; “pay attention” [syn: give] 3: do or give something to somebody in return; “Does she pay you for the work you are doing?” [syn: pay off, make up, compensate] 4: bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action; “You'll pay for this!”; “She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly”; “You'll pay for this opinion later” 5: cancel or discharge a debt; “pay up, please!” [syn: pay up, ante up] [ant: default] 6: bring in; “interest-bearing accounts”; “How much does this savings certificate pay annually?” [syn: yield, bear] 7: render; “pay a visit”; “pay a call” 8: be worth it; “It pays to go through the trouble” 9: dedicate; “give thought to”; “give priority to”; “pay attention to” [syn: give, devote] 10: discharge or settle; “pay a debt”; “pay an obligation” 11: make a compensation for; “a favor that cannot be paid back” [also: paid]
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