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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: partial fraction (0.00862 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to partial fraction.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Partial fraction Fraction \Frac"tion\, n. [F. fraction, L. fractio a breaking, fr. frangere, fractum, to break. See Break.] 1. The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Neither can the natural body of Christ be subject to any fraction or breaking up. --Foxe. [1913 Webster] 2. A portion; a fragment. [1913 Webster] Some niggard fractions of an hour. --Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 3. (Arith. or Alg.) One or more aliquot parts of a unit or whole number; an expression for a definite portion of a unit or magnitude. [1913 Webster] Common fraction, or Vulgar fraction, a fraction in which the number of equal parts into which the integer is supposed to be divided is indicated by figures or letters, called the denominator, written below a line, over which is the numerator, indicating the number of these parts included in the fraction; as 1/2, one half, 2/5, two fifths. Complex fraction, a fraction having a fraction or mixed number in the numerator or denominator, or in both. --Davies & Peck. Compound fraction, a fraction of a fraction; two or more fractions connected by of. Continued fraction, Decimal fraction, Partial fraction, etc. See under Continued, Decimal, Partial, etc. Improper fraction, a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator. Proper fraction, a fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator. [1913 Webster]
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