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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: mallangong (0.00723 detik)
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English → English (gcide)
Definition: mallangong Duck \Duck\, n. [OE. duke, doke. See Duck, v. t. ] 1. (Zool.) Any bird of the subfamily Anatin[ae], family Anatid[ae]. [1913 Webster] Note: The genera and species are numerous. They are divided into river ducks and sea ducks. Among the former are the common domestic duck (Anas boschas); the wood duck (Aix sponsa); the beautiful mandarin duck of China (Dendronessa galeriliculata); the Muscovy duck, originally of South America (Cairina moschata). Among the sea ducks are the eider, canvasback, scoter, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the person, resembling the motion of a duck in water. [1913 Webster] Here be, without duck or nod, Other trippings to be trod. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Bombay duck (Zo["o]l.), a fish. See Bummalo. Buffel duck, Spirit duck. See Buffel duck. Duck ant (Zo["o]l.), a species of white ant in Jamaica which builds large nests in trees. Duck barnacle. (Zo["o]l.) See Goose barnacle. Duck hawk. (Zo["o]l.) (a) In the United States: The peregrine falcon. (b) In England: The marsh harrier or moor buzzard. Duck mole (Zo["o]l.), a small aquatic mammal of Australia, having webbed feet and a bill resembling that of a duck (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). It belongs the subclass Monotremata and is remarkable for laying eggs like a bird or reptile; -- called also duckbill, platypus, mallangong, mullingong, tambreet, and water mole. To make ducks and drakes, to throw a flat stone obliquely, so as to make it rebound repeatedly from the surface of the water, raising a succession of jets; hence: To play at ducks and drakes, with property, to throw it away heedlessly or squander it foolishly and unprofitably. Lame duck. See under Lame. [1913 Webster]
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