Online Dictionary
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: driving axle (0.00855 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to driving axle.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: driving axle driving axle n : the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power [syn: live axle]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Driving axle Driving \Driv"ing\, a. 1. Having great force of impulse; as, a driving wind or storm. [1913 Webster] 2. Communicating force; impelling; as, a driving shaft. [1913 Webster] Driving axle, the axle of a driving wheel, as in a locomotive. Driving box (Locomotive), the journal box of a driving axle. See Illust. of Locomotive. Driving note (Mus.), a syncopated note; a tone begun on a weak part of a measure and held through the next accented part, thus anticipating the accent and driving it through. Driving spring, a spring fixed upon the box of the driving axle of a locomotive engine to support the weight and deaden shocks. [Eng.] --Weale. Driving wheel (Mach.), a wheel that communicates motion; one of the large wheels of a locomotive to which the connecting rods of the engine are attached; -- called also, simply, driver. See Illust. of Locomotive. [1913 Webster]
06:45 Soonee Berantem Pig iron C6H10O2 ice yacht lokomotip per*cep??ti*ble*ness sea eagle Hexanchus griseus Bur?den*some*ly driving axle
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