Kamus Landak
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: declining (0.01022 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to declining.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak)
Definition: decline menurun
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: decline kemunduran, membengkokkan, memiringkan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: decline decline n 1: change toward something smaller or lower [syn: diminution] 2: a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state [syn: declination] [ant: improvement] 3: a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current [syn: decay] 4: a downward slope or bend [syn: descent, declivity, fall, declination, declension, downslope] [ant: ascent] v 1: grow worse; “Conditions in the slum worsened” [syn: worsen] [ant: better] 2: refuse to accept; “He refused my offer of hospitality” [syn: refuse, reject, pass up, turn down] [ant: accept] 3: show unwillingness towards; “he declined to join the group on a hike” [syn: refuse] [ant: accept] 4: grow smaller; “Interest in the project waned” [syn: go down, wane] 5: go down; “The roof declines here” 6: go down in value; “the stock market corrected”; “prices slumped” [syn: slump, correct] 7: inflect for number, gender, case, etc., “in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives”
English → English (gcide) Definition: declining declining \declining\ adj. 1. decreasing; as, steadily declining incomes. Syn: down(prenominal). [WordNet 1.5] 2. going from better to worse. Syn: deteriorating, failing, regressing, retrograde, retrogressive. [WordNet 1.5] 3. becoming less or smaller; as, declining powers of body and mind. Opposite of increasing. Syn: eroding. [WordNet 1.5] 4. drawing to an end; waning; as, his declining years. [prenominal] [WordNet 1.5]
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