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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: contriving (0.00914 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to contriving.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: contrive membuat, menyusun
English → English (WordNet) Definition: contrive contrive v 1: make or work out a plan for; devise; “They contrived to murder their boss”; “design a new sales strategy”; “plan an attack” [syn: plan, project, design] 2: come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or priciple) after a mental effort; “excogitate a way to measure the speed of light” [syn: invent, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge] 3: put or send forth; “She threw the flashlight beam into the corner”; “The setting sun threw long shadows”; “cast a spell”; “cast a warm light” [syn: project, cast, throw]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Contriving Contrive \Con*trive"\ (k[o^]n*tr[imac]v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Contrived; p. pr. & vb. n. Contriving.] [OE. contriven, contreven, controven, to invent, OF. controver, contruver; con- + trouver to find. See Troubadour, trover.] To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to invent; to design; to plan. [1913 Webster] What more likely to contrive this admirable frame of the universe than infinite wisdom. --Tillotson. [1913 Webster] neither do thou imagine that I shall contrive aught against his life. --Hawthorne. Syn: To invent; discover; plan; design; project; plot; concert; hatch. [1913 Webster]
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