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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: coach (0.01057 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to coach.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: coach kereta, mencoaching, mengajar, pelatih, pembina
English → English (WordNet) Definition: coach coach n 1: (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team [syn: manager, handler] 2: a person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting) [syn: private instructor, tutor] 3: a railcar where passengers ride [syn: passenger car, carriage] 4: a carriage pulled by four horses with one driver [syn: four-in-hand, coach-and-four] 5: a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; “he always rode the bus to work” [syn: bus, autobus, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus] coach v 1: teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports; “He is training our Olympic team”; “She is coaching the crew” [syn: train] 2: drive a coach
English → English (gcide) Definition: coach Roundhouse \Round"house`\, n. 1. A constable's prison; a lockup, watch-house, or station house. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) (a) A cabin or apartament on the after part of the quarter-deck, having the poop for its roof; -- sometimes called the coach. (b) A privy near the bow of the vessel. [1913 Webster] 3. A house for locomotive engines, built circularly around a turntable. [1913 Webster] Coacher \Coach"er\, n. 1. A coachman. [Obs.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. A coach horse. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 3. One who coaches; specif. (Baseball), one of the side at the bat posted near first or third base to direct a base runner; also called a coach; as, third base coach. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
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