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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: boots (0.00964 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to boots.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: boot bot, lars, menyalakan, pemecatan, sepatu bot
English → English (WordNet) Definition: boot boot v 1: kick; give a boot to 2: cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes; “boot your computer” [syn: reboot, bring up] boot n 1: footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg 2: British term for the luggage compartment in a car 3: the swift release of a store of affective force; “they got a great bang out of it”; “what a boot!”; “he got a quick rush from injecting heroin”; “he does it for kicks” [syn: bang, charge, rush, flush, thrill, kick] 4: protective casing for something that resembles a leg 5: an instrument of torture that is used to crush the foot and leg [syn: iron boot, iron heel] 6: the act of delivering a blow with the foot; “he gave the ball a powerful kick”; “the team's kicking was excellent” [syn: kick, kicking]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Boots Boots \Boots\, n. A servant at a hotel or elsewhere, who cleans and blacks the boots and shoes. [1913 Webster]
02:17 pricker Quail dove Arrangement Readopt genus Crepis Lord keeper Quail hawk Subprior Seksi boots
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