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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: S pyrularium (0.00894 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to S pyrularium.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: S pyrularium Sandalwood \San"dal*wood\, n. [F. sandal, santal, fr. Ar. [,c]andal, or Gr. sa`ntalon; both ultimately fr. Skr. candana. Cf. Sanders.] (Bot.) (a) The highly perfumed yellowish heartwood of an East Indian and Polynesian tree (Santalum album), and of several other trees of the same genus, as the Hawaiian Santalum Freycinetianum and S. pyrularium, the Australian S. latifolium , etc. The name is extended to several other kinds of fragrant wood. (b) Any tree of the genus Santalum, or a tree which yields sandalwood. (c) The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus). [1913 Webster] False sandalwood, the fragrant wood of several trees not of the genus Santalum, as Ximenia Americana, Myoporum tenuifolium of Tahiti. Red sandalwood, a heavy, dark red dyewood, being the heartwood of two leguminous trees of India (Pterocarpus santalinus , and Adenanthera pavonina); -- called also red sanderswood, sanders or saunders, and rubywood. [1913 Webster]
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