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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Nine points circle (0.00693 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Nine points circle.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Nine points circle nine \nine\ (n[imac]n), a. [OE. nine, nihen, AS. nigon, nigan; akin to D. & LG. negen, OS. & OFries. nigun, OHG. niun, G. neun, Icel. n[=i]u, sw. nio, Dan. ni, Goth. niun, Ir. & Gael. naoi, W. naw, L. novem, Gr. 'enne`a, Skr. navan; of unknown origin. [root]307. Cf. Novembeer.] Eight and one more; one less than ten; as, nine miles. [1913 Webster] Nine men's morris. See Morris. Nine points circle (Geom.), a circle so related to any given triangle as to pass through the three points in which the perpendiculars from the angles of the triangle upon the opposite sides (or the sides produced) meet the sides. It also passes through the three middle points of the sides of the triangle and through the three middle points of those parts of the perpendiculars that are between their common point of meeting and the angles of the triangle. The circle is hence called the nine points circle or six points circle. [1913 Webster]
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