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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: MORPHOLOGY (0.00862 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to MORPHOLOGY.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: morphology tata bentuk, tata kata
English → English (WordNet) Definition: morphology morphology n 1: the branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants 2: studies of the rules for forming admissible words 3: the admissible arrangement of sounds in words [syn: sound structure , syllable structure, word structure] 4: the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms [syn: geomorphology]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Morphology Morphology \Mor*phol"o*gy\, n. [Gr. morfh` form + -logy: cf. F. morphologie.] 1. (Biol.) That branch of biology which deals with the structure of animals and plants, treating of the forms of organs and describing their varieties, homologies, and metamorphoses. See Tectology, and Promorphology. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) The form and structure of an organism. [PJC] 3. (Linguistics) The branch of linguistics which studies the patterns by which words are formed from other words, including inflection, compounding, and derivation. [PJC] 4. Specifically: The study of the patterns of inflection of words or word classes in any given language; the study of the patterns in which morphemes combine to form words, and the rules for combination; morphemics; as, the morphology of Spanish verbs; also, the inflection patterns themselves. [PJC]
13:29 inexactitude spathic iron genus Chrysobalanus Hunching Horned hummer vis mortua Stopping Pogostemon come in for MORPHOLOGY
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