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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Guinea (0.01003 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Guinea.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: guinea guinea n 1: a former British gold coin worth 21 shillings 2: offensive terms for a person of Italian descent [syn: wop, dago, greaseball] 3: a republic in eastern Africa on the Atlantic; formerly a French colony; achieved independence from France in 1958 [syn: Republic of Guinea, French Guinea] 4: a west African bird having dark plumage mottled with white; native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world [syn: guinea fowl, Numida meleagris]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Guinea Guinea \Guin"ea\ (g[i^]n"[-e]), n. 1. A district on the west coast of Africa (formerly noted for its export of gold and slaves) after which the Guinea fowl, Guinea grass, Guinea peach, etc., are named. [1913 Webster] 2. A gold coin of England current for twenty-one shillings sterling, or about five dollars, but not coined since the issue of sovereigns in 1817. [1913 Webster] The guinea, so called from the Guinea gold out of which it was first struck, was proclaimed in 1663, and to go for twenty shillings; but it never went for less than twenty-one shillings. --Pinkerton. [1913 Webster] Guinea corn. (Bot.) See Durra. Guinea Current (Geog.), a current in the Atlantic Ocean setting southwardly into the Bay of Benin on the coast of Guinea. Guinea dropper one who cheats by dropping counterfeit guineas. [Obs.] --Gay. Guinea fowl, Guinea hen (Zo["o]l.), an African gallinaceous bird, of the genus Numida, allied to the pheasants. The common domesticated species (Numida meleagris ), has a colored fleshy horn on each aide of the head, and is of a dark gray color, variegated with small white spots. The crested Guinea fowl (Numida cristata) is a finer species. Guinea grains (Bot.), grains of Paradise, or amomum. See Amomum. Guinea grass (Bot.), a tall strong forage grass (Panicum jumentorum ) introduced. from Africa into the West Indies and Southern United States. Guinea-hen flower (Bot.), a liliaceous flower (Fritillaria Meleagris ) with petals spotted like the feathers of the Guinea hen. Guinea peach. See under Peach. Guinea pepper (Bot.), the pods of the Xylopia aromatica, a tree of the order Anonace[ae], found in tropical West Africa. They are also sold under the name of Piper [AE]thiopicum . Guinea plum (Bot.), the fruit of Parinarium excelsum, a large West African tree of the order Chrysobalane[ae], having a scarcely edible fruit somewhat resembling a plum, which is also called gray plum and rough-skin plum. Guinea worm (Zo["o]l.), a long and slender African nematoid worm (Filaria Medinensis) of a white color. It lives in the cellular tissue of man, beneath the skin, and produces painful sores. [1913 Webster]
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