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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Gray (0.01006 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Gray.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: gray abu-abu, dauk
English → English (WordNet) Definition: gray gray adj 1: an achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white; “gray flannel suit”; “hair just turning gray” [syn: grey, grayish, greyish] 2: showing characteristics of age, especially having gray or white hair; “whose beard with age is hoar”-Coleridge; “nodded his hoary head” [syn: grey, gray-haired, grey-haired, gray-headed, grey-headed, grizzly, hoar, hoary, white-haired] 3: darkened with overcast; “a dark day”; “a dull sky”; “a gray rainy afternoon”; “gray clouds”; “the sky was leaden and thick” [syn: dull, grey, leaden] 4: used to signify the Confederate forces in the Civil War (who wore gray uniforms); “a stalwart gray figure” [syn: grey] 5: intermediate in character or position; “a gray area between clearly legal and strictly illegal” [syn: grey] gray v 1: make gray; “The painter decided to grey the sky” [syn: grey] 2: turn gray; “Her hair began to gray” [syn: grey] gray n 1: a neutral achromatic color midway between white and black [syn: grayness, grey, greyness] 2: gray clothing; “he was dressed in gray” [syn: grey] 3: any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are gray; “the Confederate army was a vast gray” [syn: grey] 4: horse of a light grey or whitish color 5: English poet best known for his elegy written in a country church-yard (1716-1771) [syn: Thomas Gray] 6: American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River (1755-1806) [syn: Robert Gray ] 7: United States botanist who specialized in North American flora and who was an early supporter of Darwin's theories of evolution (1810-1888) [syn: Asa Gray]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Gray Gray \Gray\ (gr[=a]), a. [Compar. Grayer; superl. Grayest.] [OE. gray, grey, AS. gr[=ae]g, gr[=e]g; akin to D. graauw, OHG. gr[=a]o, G. grau, Dan. graa, Sw. gr[*a], Icel. gr[=a]r.] [Written also grey.] 1. any color of neutral hue between white and black; white mixed with black, as the color of pepper and salt, or of ashes, or of hair whitened by age; sometimes, a dark mixed color; as, the soft gray eye of a dove. [1913 Webster] These gray and dun colors may be also produced by mixing whites and blacks. --Sir I. Newton. [1913 Webster] 2. Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary. [1913 Webster] 3. Old; mature; as, gray experience. -- Ames. [1913 Webster] 4. gloomy; dismal. [PJC] Gray antimony (Min.), stibnite. Gray buck (Zo["o]l.), the chickara. Gray cobalt (Min.), smaltite. Gray copper (Min.), tetrahedrite. Gray duck (Zo["o]l.), the gadwall; also applied to the female mallard. Gray falcon (Zo["o]l.) the peregrine falcon. Gray Friar. See Franciscan, and Friar. Gray hen (Zo["o]l.), the female of the blackcock or black grouse. See Heath grouse. Gray mill or Gray millet (Bot.), a name of several plants of the genus Lithospermum; gromwell. Gray mullet (Zo["o]l.) any one of the numerous species of the genus Mugil, or family Mugilid[ae], found both in the Old World and America; as the European species (Mugilid[ae] capito, and Mugilid[ae] auratus), the American striped mullet (Mugilid[ae] albula), and the white or silver mullet (Mugilid[ae] Braziliensis). See Mullet. Gray owl (Zo["o]l.), the European tawny or brown owl (Syrnium aluco). The great gray owl (Ulula cinerea) inhabits arctic America. Gray parrot (Zo["o]l.), an African parrot (Psittacus erithacus ), very commonly domesticated, and noted for its aptness in learning to talk. Also called jako. Gray pike. (Zo["o]l.) See Sauger. Gray snapper (Zo["o]l.), a Florida fish; the sea lawyer. See Snapper. Gray snipe (Zo["o]l.), the dowitcher in winter plumage. Gray whale (Zo["o]l.), a rather large and swift whale of the northern Pacific (Eschrichtius robustus, formerly Rhachianectes glaucus), having short jaws and no dorsal fin. It grows to a length of 50 feet (someimes 60 feet). It was formerly taken in large numbers in the bays of California, and is now rare; -- called also grayback, devilfish, and hardhead. It lives up to 50 or 60 years and adults weigh from 20 to 40 tons. [1913 Webster] Gray \Gray\ (gr[=a]), n. 1. A gray color; any mixture of white and black; also, a neutral or whitish tint. [1913 Webster] 2. An animal or thing of gray color, as a horse, a badger, or a kind of salmon. [1913 Webster] Woe worth the chase, woe worth the day. That coats thy life, my gallant gray. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 3. (U. S. History) the Confederate army or a soldier in the confederate army; as, a battle between the blue and the gray. [PJC] Gray \Gray\ (gr[=a]), n. [named after Louis Harold Gray, English radiobiologist.] the SI unit of absorbed dosage of ionizing radiation, equal to an absorbed energy of 1 joule per kilogram of irradiated material; -- abbreviated Gy. This unit is 100 times the commonly used unit, the rad. [PJC]
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