Online Dictionary
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Delicious (0.00805 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Delicious.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak)
Definition: delicious lezat
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: delicious eco, lezat, nikmat, sedap
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Delicious Delicious n : variety of sweet eating apples
English → English (gcide) Definition: Delicious Delicious \De*li"cious\, a. [OF. delicieus, F. d['e]licieux, L. deliciosus, fr. deliciae delight, fr. delicere to allure. See Delight.] 1. Affording exquisite pleasure; delightful; most sweet or grateful to the senses, especially to the taste; charming. [1913 Webster] Some delicious landscape. --Coleridge. [1913 Webster] One draught of spring's delicious air. --Keble. [1913 Webster] Were not his words delicious? --Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. Addicted to pleasure; seeking enjoyment; luxurious; effeminate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Others, lastly, of a more delicious and airy spirit, retire themselves to the enjoyments of ease and luxury. --Milton. Syn: Delicious, Delightful. Usage: Delicious refers to the pleasure derived from certain of the senses, particularly the taste and smell; as, delicious food; a delicious fragrance. Delightful may also refer to most of the senses (as, delightful music; a delightful prospect; delightful sensations), but has a higher application to matters of taste, feeling, and sentiment; as, a delightful abode, conversation, employment; delightful scenes, etc. [1913 Webster] Like the rich fruit he sings, delicious in decay. --Smith. [1913 Webster] No spring, nor summer, on the mountain seen, Smiles with gay fruits or with delightful green. --Addison. [1913 Webster]
16:06 Macrocheira kaempferi kamtibmas Aphasia Jersey fern Notionality com*menda*ble*ness birthing Depression of the visible horizon Palm cat Delicious
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