Kamus Landak
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: formal (0.01111 detik)
Found 5 items, similar to formal.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak)
Definition: formal resmi
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: formal formal
Indonesian → English (quick) Definition: formal formal
English → English (WordNet) Definition: formal formal adj 1: being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress); “pay one's formal respects”; “formal dress”; “a formal ball”; “the requirement was only formal and often ignored”; “a formal education” [ant: informal] 2: characteristic of or befitting a person in authority; “formal duties”; “an official banquet” 3: (of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms; “the paper was written in formal English” [ant: informal] 4: represented in simplified or symbolic form [syn: conventional, schematic] 5: logically deductive; “formal proof” 6: refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court; “a courtly gentleman” [syn: courtly, elegant, stately]
English → English (gcide) Definition: formal Methylal \Meth"yl*al\, n. [Methylene + alcohol.] (Chem.) A light, volatile liquid, H2C(OCH3)2, regarded as a complex ether, and having a pleasant ethereal odor. It is obtained by the partial oxidation of methyl alcohol. Called also formal. [1913 Webster]
12:16 Pawnbroking genus Bibos Oogoniums genus Bessera nary(a) Bessera genus Bidens Contoh kalimat formal
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