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English → English (gcide)
Definition: Coarctate pupa Pupa \Pu"pa\, n.; pl. L. Pup[ae], E. Pupas. [L. pupa girl. doll, puppet, fem. of pupus. Cf. Puppet.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) Any insect in that stage of its metamorphosis which usually immediately precedes the adult, or imago, stage. [1913 Webster] Note: Among insects belonging to the higher orders, as the Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, the pupa is inactive and takes no food; in the lower orders it is active and takes food, and differs little from the imago except in the rudimentary state of the sexual organs, and of the wings in those that have wings when adult. The term pupa is sometimes applied to other invertebrates in analogous stages of development. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of air-breathing land snails having an elongated spiral shell. [1913 Webster] Coarctate pupa, or Obtected pupa, a pupa which is incased in the dried-up skin of the larva, as in many Diptera. Masked pupa, a pupa whose limbs are bound down and partly concealed by a chitinous covering, as in Lepidoptera. [1913 Webster] Coarctate \Co*arc"tate\, a. [L. coarctatus, p. p. of coarctare to press together; co- + arctare to press together, from arctus, p. p. See Arctation.] (Zo["o]l.) Pressed together; closely connected; -- applied to insects having the abdomen separated from the thorax only by a constriction. [1913 Webster] Coarctate pupa (Zo["o]l.), a pupa closely covered by the old larval skin, as in most Diptera. [1913 Webster]
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