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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Batten (0.01055 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Batten.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: batten menjadi gemuk, papan kecil
English → English (WordNet) Definition: batten batten n 1: stuffing made of rolls or sheets of cotton wool or synthetic fiber [syn: batting] 2: a strip fixed to something to hold it firm v 1: furnish with battens; “batten ships” [syn: batten down, secure] 2: secure with battens; “batten down a ship's hatches”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Batten Batten \Bat"ten\, n. [F. battant. See Batter, v. t.] The movable bar of a loom, which strikes home or closes the threads of a woof. [1913 Webster] Batten \Bat"ten\ (b[a^]t"t'n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Battened (b[a^]t"t'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Battening.] [See Batful.] 1. To make fat by plenteous feeding; to fatten. “Battening our flocks.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To fertilize or enrich, as land. [1913 Webster] Batten \Bat"ten\, v. i. To grow fat; to grow fat in ease and luxury; to glut one's self. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] The pampered monarch lay battening in ease. --Garth. [1913 Webster] Skeptics, with a taste for carrion, who batten on the hideous facts in history, -- persecutions, inquisitions. --Emerson. [1913 Webster] Batten \Bat"ten\, n. [F. b[^a]ton stick, staff. See Baton.] A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as, (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 1/2 inches and not less than 6 feet long. --Brande & C. (b) (Naut.) A strip of wood used in fastening the edges of a tarpaulin to the deck, also around masts to prevent chafing. (c) A long, thin strip used to strengthen a part, to cover a crack, etc. [1913 Webster] Batten door (Arch.), a door made of boards of the whole length of the door, secured by battens nailed crosswise. [1913 Webster] Batten \Bat"ten\, v. t. To furnish or fasten with battens. [1913 Webster] To batten down, to fasten down with battens, as the tarpaulin over the hatches of a ship during a storm. [1913 Webster]
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