Online Dictionary
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Autumn (0.00870 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Autumn.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: autumn musim gugur, musim rontok
English → English (WordNet) Definition: autumn autumn n : the season when the leaves fall from the trees; “in the fall of 1973” [syn: fall]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Autumn Autumn \Au"tumn\, n. [L. auctumnus, autumnus, perh. fr. a root av to satisfy one's self: cf. F. automne. See Avarice.] 1. The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called ``the fall.'' Astronomically, it begins in the northern temperate zone at the autumnal equinox, about September 23, and ends at the winter solstice, about December 23; but in popular language, autumn, in America, comprises September, October, and November. [1913 Webster] Note: In England, according to Johnson, autumn popularly comprises August, September, and October. In the southern hemisphere, the autumn corresponds to our spring. [1913 Webster] 2. The harvest or fruits of autumn. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 3. The time of maturity or decline; latter portion; third stage. [1913 Webster] Dr. Preston was now entering into the autumn of the duke's favor. --Fuller. [1913 Webster] Life's autumn past, I stand on winter's verge. --Wordsworth. [1913 Webster]
00:33 Overcautiousness opiated family Sittidae Opera glass slack up fatuous sia-sia atlantik sixty-eight sharpling Autumn
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