Online Dictionary
Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Arches (0.00906 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Arches.
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: arch belengkong, busur, jenaka, lucu
English → English (WordNet) Definition: arch arch adj 1: (of persons) highest in rank or authority or office; “his arch rival” [syn: arch(a)] 2: (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension [syn: condescending, patronizing, patronising] 3: expert in skulduggery; “an arch criminal” [syn: arch(a)] arch n 1: a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening 2: a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially arches of the feet) 3: a passageway under an arch [syn: archway] 4: (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it arch v : form an arch or curve; “her back arches”; “her hips curve nicely” [syn: curve, arc]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Arches Arches \Arch"es\, pl. of Arch, n. [1913 Webster] Court of arches, or Arches Court (Eng. Law), the court of appeal of the Archbishop of Canterbury, whereof the judge, who sits as deputy to the archbishop, is called the Dean of the Arches, because he anciently held his court in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow (de arcubus). It is now held in Westminster. --Mozley & W. [1913 Webster]
01:56 heterology Snifting valve Jackscrew lancing Peninggalan stream Horopter gasoline bomb Sturmarbeiteilung Arches
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