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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: zapped (0.00867 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to zapped.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: zap menyerang
English → English (WordNet) Definition: zapped zap v 1: strike suddenly and with force; “This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes” 2: kill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting; “in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens” [syn: vaporize] 3: strike at with firepower or bombs; “zap the enemy” [syn: nuke, atomize, atomise] 4: cook or heat in a microwave oven; “You can microwave the left-overs” [syn: microwave, micro-cook, nuke] [also: zapping, zapped] zapped See zap
English → English (gcide) Definition: zap zap \zap\ (z[a^]p), v. t. 1. to shoot, destroy, or inactivate; my TV set was zapped by lightning. [PJC] 2. to bomb with an atomic bomb. Syn: nuke, atomize. [WordNet 1.5] 3. to cook or heat in a microwave oven. Syn: microwave, micro-cook, nuke. [WordNet 1.5] 4. to subject to radiation, a laser beam, a strong electric current, or other potentially destructive treatment. [PJC] 5. to skip over (e. g. a commercial or dull interval in a television program) by using the fast-forward button on a VCR remove control. [PJC] 6. to add interest, color, or attractiveness to; to liven; -- usually used with up. --[RHUD] [PJC]


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