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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: your (0.00964 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to your.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: your mu
English → English (gcide) Definition: Your thou \thou\ ([th]ou), pron. [Sing.: nom. Thou; poss. Thy ([th][imac]) or Thine ([th][imac]n); obj. Thee ([th][=e]). Pl.: nom. You (y[=oo]); poss. Your (y[=oo]r) or Yours (y[=oo]rz); obj. You.] [OE. thou, [thorn]u, AS. [eth][=u], [eth]u; akin to OS. & OFries. thu, G., Dan. & Sw. du, Icel. [thorn][=u], Goth. [thorn]u, Russ. tui, Ir. & Gael. tu, W. ti, L. tu, Gr. sy`, Dor. ty`, Skr. tvam. [root]185. Cf. Thee, Thine, Te Deum.] The second personal pronoun, in the singular number, denoting the person addressed; thyself; the pronoun which is used in addressing persons in the solemn or poetical style. [1913 Webster] Art thou he that should come? --Matt. xi. 3. [1913 Webster] Note: ``In Old English, generally, thou is the language of a lord to a servant, of an equal to an equal, and expresses also companionship, love, permission, defiance, scorn, threatening: whilst ye is the language of a servant to a lord, and of compliment, and further expresses honor, submission, or entreaty.'' --Skeat. [1913 Webster] Note: Thou is now sometimes used by the Friends, or Quakers, in familiar discourse, though most of them corruptly say thee instead of thou. [1913 Webster] You \You\ ([=u]), pron. [Possess. Your ([=u]r) or Yours ([=u]rz); dat. & obj. You.] [OE. you, eou, eow, dat. & acc., AS. e['o]w, used as dat. & acc. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iu, io, D. u, G. euch, OHG. iu, dat., iuwih, acc., Icel. y[eth]r, dat. & acc., Goth. izwis; of uncertain origin. [root]189. Cf. Your.] The pronoun of the second person, in the nominative, dative, and objective case, indicating the person or persons addressed. See the Note under Ye. [1913 Webster] Ye go to Canterbury; God you speed. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Good sir, I do in friendship counsel you To leave this place. --Shak. [1913 Webster] In vain you tell your parting lover You wish fair winds may waft him over. --Prior. [1913 Webster] Note: Though you is properly a plural, it is in all ordinary discourse used also in addressing a single person, yet properly always with a plural verb. “Are you he that hangs the verses on the trees, wherein Rosalind is so admired ?” --Shak. You and your are sometimes used indefinitely, like we, they, one, to express persons not specified. “The looks at a distance like a new-plowed land; but as you come near it, you see nothing but a long heap of heavy, disjointed clods.” --Addison. “Your medalist and critic are much nearer related than the world imagine.” --Addison. “It is always pleasant to be forced to do what you wish to do, but what, until pressed, you dare not attempt.” --Hook. You is often used reflexively for yourself of yourselves. “Your highness shall repose you at the tower.” --Shak. [1913 Webster] Your \Your\ ([=u]r), pron. & a. [OE. your, [yogh]our, eowr, eower, AS. e['o]wer, originally used as the gen. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iuwer your, OS. iuwar, D. uw, OHG. iuw[=e]r, G. euer, Icel. y[eth]ar, Goth. izwara, izwar, and E. you. [root]189. See You.] The form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you. [1913 Webster] Note: The possessive takes the form yours when the noun to which it refers is not expressed, but implied; as, this book is yours. “An old fellow of yours.” --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]


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