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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: waxy (0.00793 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to waxy.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: waxy waxy adj 1: made of or covered with wax; “waxen candles”; “careful, the floor is waxy” [syn: waxen] 2: resembling or covered with wax; “as shiny as a waxy pippin”; “the ceraceous surface of the leaves” [syn: waxlike, ceraceous] 3: having the paleness of wax; “the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor”- Bram Stoker; “the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him”; “a thin face with a waxy paleness” [syn: waxen, waxlike] [also: waxiest, waxier]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Waxy Waxy \Wax"y\, a. Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid; adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible. “Waxy to persuasion.” --Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] Waxy degeneration (Med.), amyloid degeneration. See under Amyloid. Waxy kidney, Waxy liver, etc. (Med.), a kidney or liver affected by waxy degeneration. [1913 Webster]


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