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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: upset (0.01193 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to upset.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: upset bingung
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: upset berang, kaget, kalap, membuncah, mengacak-acak, menggelisah, mengkisruhkan, rongseng
English → English (WordNet) Definition: upset upset v 1: disturb the balance or stability of; “The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries” 2: cause to lose one's composure [syn: discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfit] 3: move deeply; “This book upset me”; “A troubling thought” [syn: disturb, trouble] 4: cause to overturn from an upright or normal position; “The cat knocked over the flower vase”; “the clumsy customer turned over the vase”; “he tumped over his beer” [syn: overturn, tip over, turn over, knock over, bowl over, tump over ] 5: form metals with a swage [syn: swage] 6: defeat suddenly and unexpectedly; “The foreign team upset the local team” [also: upsetting] upset adj 1: afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; “too upset to say anything”; “spent many disquieted moments”; “distressed about her son's leaving home”; “lapsed into disturbed sleep”; “worried parents”; “a worried frown”; “one last worried check of the sleeping children” [syn: disquieted, distressed, disturbed, worried] 2: thrown into a state of disarray or confusion; “troops fleeing in broken ranks”; “a confused mass of papers on the desk”; “the small disordered room”; “with everything so upset” [syn: broken, confused, disordered] 3: used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win; “the Bills' upset victory over the Houston Oilers” [syn: upset(a)] 4: mildly physically distressed; “an upset stomach” 5: having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom; “an overturned car”; “the upset pitcher of milk”; “sat on an upturned bucket” [syn: overturned, upturned] n 1: an unhappy and worried mental state; “there was too much anger and disturbance”; “she didn't realize the upset she caused me” [syn: disturbance, perturbation] 2: the act of disturbing the mind or body; “his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset”; “she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living” [syn: derangement, overthrow] 3: condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; “the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder”; “everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time” [syn: disorder] 4: a tool used to thicken or spread (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging [syn: swage] 5: the act of upsetting something; “he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed” [syn: overturn, turnover] 6: an improbable and unexpected victory; “the biggest upset since David beat Goliath” [syn: overturn] [also: upsetting]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Upset Upset \Up"set`\, n. The act of upsetting, or the state of being upset; an overturn; as, the wagon had an upset. [1913 Webster] Upset \Up*set"\, v. t. 1. To set up; to put upright. [Obs.] “With sail on mast upset.” --R. of Brunne. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end. (b) To shorten (a tire) in the process of resetting, originally by cutting it and hammering on the ends. [1913 Webster] 3. To overturn, overthrow, or overset; as, to upset a carriage; to upset an argument. “Determined somehow to upset the situation.” --Mrs. Humphry Ward. [1913 Webster] 4. To disturb the self-possession of; to disorder the nerves of; to make ill; as, the fright upset her. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 5. (Basketwork) To turn upwards the outer ends of (stakes) so as to make a foundation for the side of a basket or the like; also, to form (the side) in this manner. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] Upset \Up*set"\, v. i. To become upset. [1913 Webster] Upset \Up"set`\, a. Set up; fixed; determined; -- used chiefly or only in the phrase upset price; that is, the price fixed upon as the minimum for property offered in a public sale, or, in an auction, the price at which property is set up or started by the auctioneer, and the lowest price at which it will be sold. [1913 Webster] After a solemn pause, Mr. Glossin offered the upset price for the lands and barony of Ellangowan. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster]


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