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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: torrid (0.01957 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to torrid.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: torrid terik
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: torrid panas terik
English → English (WordNet) Definition: torrid torrid adj 1: characterized by intense emotion; “ardent love”; “an ardent lover”; “a burning enthusiasm”; “a fervent desire to change society”; “a fervent admirer”; “fiery oratory”; “an impassioned appeal”; “a torrid love affair” [syn: ardent, burning(a), fervent, fervid, fiery, impassioned, perfervid] 2: emotionally charged and vigorously energetic; “a torrid dance”; “torrid jazz bands”; “hot trumpets and torrid rhythms” 3: burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot; “the torrid noonday sun”; “sultry sands of the dessert” [syn: sultry]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Torrid Torrid \Tor"rid\, a. [L. torridus, fr. torrere to parch, to burn, akin to E. Thist: cf. F. torride. See Thirst.] 1. Parched; dried with heat; as, a torrid plain or desert. “Barca or Cyrene's torrid soil.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Violenty hot; drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching. “Torrid heat.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] Torrid zone (Geog.), that space or board belt of the earth, included between the tropics, over which the sun is vertical at some period of every year, and the heat is always great. [1913 Webster]


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