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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: toilet (0.01881 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to toilet.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: toilet jamban, kamar kecil, w.c
English → English (WordNet) Definition: toilet toilet n 1: a room equipped with toilet facilities [syn: lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom] 2: a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination [syn: can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne] 3: misfortune resulting in lost effort or money; “his career was in the gutter”; “all that work went down the sewer”; “pensions are in the toilet” [syn: gutter, sewer] 4: the act of dressing and preparing yourself; “he made his morning toilet and went to breakfast” [syn: toilette]
English → English (gcide) Definition: toilet Lavatory \Lav"a*to*ry\, n.; pl. Lavatories. [L. lavatorium: cf. lavatoire. See Lave to wash, and cf. Laver.] 1. A place for washing. [1913 Webster] 2. A basin or other vessel for washing in. [1913 Webster] 3. A wash or lotion for a diseased part. [1913 Webster] 4. A place where gold is obtained by washing. [1913 Webster] 5. A room containing one or more sinks for washing, as well as one or more toilet fixtures; also called bathroom, toilet, and sometimes commode. Commode and toilet may refer to a room with only a toilet fixture, but without a sink. Syn: toilet, lavatory, can, facility, john, privy, bathroom. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]


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