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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: throughout (0.02158 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to throughout.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: throughout seluruhnya
English → English (WordNet) Definition: throughout throughout adv 1: from first to last; “the play was excellent end-to-end” [syn: end-to-end] 2: used to refer to cited works [syn: passim]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Throughout Throughout \Through*out"\, adv. In every part; as, the cloth was of a piece throughout. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] Throughout \Through*out"\, prep. Quite through; from one extremity to the other of; also, every part of; as, to search throughout the house. [1913 Webster] Nor to their idle orbs doth sight appear Of sun, or moon, or star, throughout the year. --Milton. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]


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